The SCW Online Art Gallery

Graphics have always been an important part of SCW,
and we're proud of the unique look we've achieved
with our album cover art, posters, slides and video.
The main man behind our graphic design is the artist
PnrH, and we've put together a sampling of his own
paintings for your enjoyment. We've also collected
some images from our most recent show, the "Sound
and Media Onslaught"
at the Music Gallery in
Toronto on March 24 1995, when SCW performed
multi-media versions of several tunes from our newly-
released War on Drugs CD.

The PnrH Painting Sampler

The "Sound and Media Onslaught" show

SCW International
P.O. Box 242 Station B
Toronto, Ontario CANADA M5T 2W1

Designed and authored by Hippermedia.
Updated and maintained by SCW Webmaster.
Last Updated: Nov 26, 1998